Monday, December 19, 2011

Some of the things I never thought I do...

...and then I became a mother.

1) Have my morning routine--that used to take 45 minutes--down to the time it takes for my son's mobile to play twice. AND I still get the same things down. WHAT was I doing before that made me take so long? I guess I just knew that I didn't HAVE to be done fast.

2) Go out in public without a shower and makeup and with my hair looking slightly better than the bird's nest outside our house. I had to run to Walgreens for my sick husband and I had a cranky--possibly teething--baby with me. I'm just thankful that's there's no "People of Walgreens" website or my "look" might have made it on there that day.

3) Get up at 5:45AM and like it. Love it even. R decided to wake up and stay up at that time the other morning. After watching him smile and giggle for a while, I decided this early morning stuff wasn't half bad.

4) Sing 24-7. I know that's a scary thought to some, but R seems to love hearing me sing. Often, when he's really cranky, it's the only thing that will soothe him. His favorite songs? ABCs and Rock-a-bye baby. We also sing many, many other songs--including Christmas songs.

5) Stay in on the weekend and enjoy it. I'm not saying that I don't like to have company or go places and I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy some home relaxation time before; however, I've found a new appreciation for staying in and relaxing with the hubby on weekend evenings. We watch "Bones" on Netflix and eat dinner together. Very relaxing.

6)Do chores with only one hand and/or pick things up with my feet. Yep, I know, this makes me sound a bit like a gorilla. There have been many moments in motherhood where I've done chores one-handed with R on my hip. There have also been moments when I needed something off the floor while rocking R and have picked it up with my toes. Yep, I'm adaptable...haha.

What is something you've done that surprises you now that you have a child(ren)?

Happy Monday!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Right now I'm...

...back from my LONG holiday hiatus. Christmas for us happened at the beginning of December when my family came to visit and will be happening again at the end of December when the hub's family comes to visit. Christmas day? We'll likely exchange a few gifts between us and then shower our R with his first Christmas gifts; it'll be a laid back, low key day. However, I will miss my family dearly. This is one of the first Christmas seasons that I have not been anywhere near home.

...missing my baby boy. He's here, but asleep and I find that I'm comforted by the fact that he's sleeping so soundly, but I miss those chubby cheekers. Am I the only mom who checks on their baby at least every hour while I'm awake? Oh well, he's adorable and totally worth every second. a weird cross roads between normal time and "Navy time." My husband is working strange hours right now for the Navy and is on a 7 days on, 2 days off kind of rotation. I'm finding now that even though tonight is the beginning of the weekend for many, it's really just another work day for us.

...counting all my blessings: loving, hard-working husband; sweet, adorable baby boy; wonderful, supportive family; great friends both near and far; roof over our head; food on our table; happy 99% of the time--life is good. I realized the other day, to my great joy, that I have everything I've ever wished for. Don't get me wrong, I'd like more children in my future, but I am so blessed to be living my own dreams out!

...thinking that my book (a loaner for my mother-in-law) is calling my name. She lends me the greatest novels. If only I were a faster reader and then I could begin to make a dent in the pile of delicious novels I have.

...thinking that a relaxing bath with said book is in order for the near future!

...wondering what the rest of the world is up to tonight. Or rather my Navy wife friends, friends back in the good ole O-H-I-O and my other family members.

...wishing a very happy birthday to one of my best friends from home. Love you Nici!

...contemplating a super top secret part-time from home job opportunity that has been offered to me by my parents. Okay, it's not that top secret, but it's not time to shout it from the roof tops yet, until I've thought it through a bit more. I am excited though!

...finding that I worry a lot about being a good mother to my R. He's such a HUGE blessing. I just hope I'm doing justice to this whole job of mom. My husband thinks I need to lighten up on myself. He's probably right.

...craving some chocolate Almond Dream ice cream. Yes, you heard cream made from Almond milk. Divine! And R friendly, since he's exclusively breastfed and has had trouble with dairy anytime I've had it.

...thinking that I really need to get my Christmas shopping done. Like yesterday...

...wondering if my R is cutting a tooth. He's had a ton of drool, is chewing everything he can get his hands on, and has had a few cranky days lately. I can't imagine that getting a tooth is comfortable. Yowza...poor little cutie.

...realizing that I have a bookmark on my computer for my friend Brittany's blog, but not one for my own.

...feeling a little ridiculous about just spending 2 hours on facebook. In my defense though, I was researching for a good 1.5 of those 2 hours for my potential part time job. disbelief over the fact that my husband will be finished with his 2 years of training in 3.5 short months.

...deciding that I'm done for the night with the post, but will be back again soon! I promise to not be gone as long this time...i.e. see you at least by Monday! :-)

Night all!